Real Rose Foundation Paper Piecing Pattern
This is a PDF, instant downloadable patterns. You will receive instructions, colored diagram, letter diagram, order of sewing the paper pieces together, and section diagram.
The finished block sizes are 18 x 18, 22 x 22 and 30 x 30 inches.
All seam allowances are 1/4inch, be sure to unclick "fit to page" when printing this pdf pattern.
This is a large paper piecing, and can be used as a mini quilt, or a larger block in a quilt. Great for any whimsical, magical, flower, floral, garden, outdoor, nature, girl, kids, Wonderland, red, white, white to red, bouquet, red rose, white rose or real rose themed quilt or table runner.
You will need basic knowledge of how paper piecing is done, that is not included with this pattern.
This is an advanced pattern. Patterns are for standard letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
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