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A New Year

Pitchers Boutique

Its a new year which mean time to start a new projects, right? I mean I know I have like 30 UFOs (or WIPs) but shhh don't tell them okay.

I finally was able to finish up the Griffin/Gryphon for this months new pattern. I was so excited to finally see the finished sections come together and the result was even better than I thought. Have you ever had an idea or quilt design you just have wanted to make for along while? You then spend weeks, maybe even months designing, prepping and finally sewing it together; all for that one moment when you step back and just beam from ear to ear because its perfect in every way? That was this project.

I started working on this years theme pretty much in October last year. I decide on a few ideas, kind of kicked them around, asked others what they thought or would like. I do a few searches to see which theme would provide better images, idea, inspiration etc. The process is a long one, kind of like when you had to write that really long drawn out paper in college. Anyways, when I finally picked the theme I then had to come up with the list of creatures I wanted to tackle. I then go down that rabbit hole of picking out creatures and possibly even bookmarking and saving images that I like. This can take weeks.

The Griffin/Gryphon was one of the first ones I wanted to do. I absolutely love the Harry Potter series and can not tell you how much I wanted to make a Griffin/Gryphon and even a dragon and sooo many other creatures. So, be prepared to maybe see a few from that book series. Anyways, I had picked an image and had an idea early on in November. I started designing and redesigning, then editing and then fixing etc. Until I had the final image:

I wanted the creature to come across as large, magnificent and realistic. I always aim to make my patterns detailed (maybe sometimes, too detailed) and realistic to the point you feel like you can reach out and pet the animal, maybe even make you feel like it could fly away or jump out at you. I also try to create a little whimsy in my patterns as well, when I can.

When you look at the image above, can you feel the eye piercing through you? Can you feel the strength the animal is radiating? Thats what I aim to create in my patterns. I know it seems silly but at the end of the day I want my patterns to be a wow factor so that you can gift those quilts, pillows, etc and the recipient is just blown away. I love seeing peoples shocked faces and their excitement when they get the finished item and its even better than they ever could imagine. Its the best feeling ever. (I know you know what I am talking about.)

The results of the Griffin/Gryphon block was just what I imagined. I hope you enjoy the block as much as I did designing and making it. These blocks and patterns do take a lot of time to go from idea to finished pattern, but the time I spend doing all of that means so many others will be able to enjoy these one of a kind patterns too.

Be sure to share your finished patterns by using my hashtag #pitchersboutique on all social media platforms. If you haven't already be sure to follow me on instagram @QuiltNSew and tag me when you post those finished blocks. I often share them with my followers because you all always amaze me with the unique ideas, fabric choices, and colors you use. I sometimes have a hard time thinking outside that small box that I designed the pattern in, so when I see them in a completely different color way or fabric, etc it always just blows me away. So be sure to keep on creating and sharing with the community. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you all enjoy next months block as much as you loved this one.

Leave a comment below and let me know what I should do with this gorgeous griffin/gryphon as I have no clue what to do with her! Let me know what other mythical creatures you hope to see this year, in the comment below.

Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind.



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