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All Puffed Up Blog Hope

The past few weeks Island Batik has been doing a blog hope and you all already saw my puff quilt, but now that a lot more have been released I wanted to share a few others with you.

If you wanted to see all the other amazing puff quilts and the gorgeous Island Batik fabric collections please click the blogs below and have a look. The quilts that were made these past weeks are gorgeous and hopefully it inspires you to create one or grab some of these amazingly bright fabrics.

Brenda Alburl: Songbird Designs

Renee Atkinson: Pink Tulip Quilting

Pamela Boatright: Pamela Quilts

Susan Deshensky: Lady Blue Quilts

Brittany Fisher: Bobbin with Brittany

Preeti Harris: Sew Preeti Quilts

Mania Hatziioannidi: Mania For Quilts

Reed Johnson: Blue Bear Quilts

Victoria Johnson: Forever Quilting 4 You

Randi Jones: Randis Roost

Connie Kauffman: Kauffman Designs

Emily Leachman: The Darling Dogwood

Denise Looney: For The Love of Geese

Leah Malasky: Quilted Delights

Maryellen McAuliffe: Mary Macks Blog

Anorina Morris: Samelias Mom

Lisa Pickering: Lisa Quilting Passion

Claudia Porter: Create with Claudia

Lana Russel: Lana Russel

Elita Sharpe: Busy Needle Quilting

Gail Sheppard: Quilting Gail

Sandra Starley: Textile Time Traveler

Jennifer Thomas: Curlicue Creations

Suzy Webster: Webster Quilts

Heres a look at a few of the puff quilts:

This is sewn by Claudia


Fabric: Broken Glass

This is sewn by Reed Johnson


Fabric: Double Dutch

Sewn by Suzy Webster


Fabric: Exuberance

Sewn by Gail Sheppard


Fabric: Fruits and Veggies

Sewn by: Randi Jones


Fabric: Juicy Mosaics

Sewn by: Brittany Fisher


Fabric: Prairie Dreams

Sewn by: Mania Hatziioannidi


Fabric: Princess Rose

Sewn by:Lana Russel


Fabric: River Walk

The fabric collections are in local stores, so be sure to ask and see if they have any Island Batik fabric available. They might even be able to order it for you.

Be sure to come back next month when all of us ambassadors get to do some quilts that we wanted to make with the batik fabrics. I'll say that mine is bright and bold.

Please check out the blogs all linked above and leave comments or share them with your friends. We want to continue to inspire you all. Thanks for checking out the many unique puff quilts, now go check out my last two blogs on how I made mine.

Stay safe, stay healthy and be kind.


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