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New Year

Pitchers Boutique

Its' a new year and I am ready to get going with all the creative ideas and exciting things I have planned.

First thing I wanted to say was thank you for continuing your support, even if its simplying reading my blogs, following me on instagram or likeing my posts. Those little things matter and add up to so much in the end. I also want to thank everyone who has received a custom order from me. Those orders are what I love to do and I honestly wouldn't be where I am today, without all your amazing orders and support.

I did want to announce that I am doing another year of block of the month. I have those patterns available over on Patreon. If you want to join its only $10 a month and you receive the one pattern each month. Its only available for that month, then removed, and the next month is posted. If you don't want to pay for the monthly fee, no worries the patterns are eventually placed in my store for purchase (but, a lot of the times the price is more). Its a great deal to get them on patreon.

Last years theme was Mythical Creatures, and I had a blast making them. I loved finding unique and different mythical creatures and creating a pattern that was above and beyond anything I could find on the internet. As we all know, I don't do simple, the more details the better!

This years theme, if you did not see my announcement on instagram or facebook; is Silly Animals (#SillyAnimalsBOM). The first one was the frog with glasses. Next months block has me laughing and all I can say is when I see this animal this is what I always think about. Honestly, I am sure thats what 90% of these patterns will be, me using the creative mind I have to create animals that are doing things I picture they dream of doing.

Lastly, I am again excited to announce that I was chosen for a SECOND year to be an Island Batik Ambassador! I enjoyed being pushed out of my comfort zone last year, learning new techniques, and trying new tools. I explored so much of the other side of quilting that I don't typically explore. So, I am excite to design, create and show off all the new fabrics and quilts/products I make and create this year. I hope you all will continue to read all about those projects and follow along on instagram as well.

I am extremely excited about this year. Lastly year was a rough year for me. I spent a lot of it being un-healthy/in and out of the hospital. I had tons of surgeries and was just constantly in recovery. This year I am focusing on finding a healthier me (hopefully); this is easier said then done. Its not like my health is just weight loss and I will be better; its more about still recovering and building my body back up. I have a lot still going on medically and still need to focus on finding the right solution, but until I can I am going to just keep pushing myself to feel better. I am finally feeling like I am on the right road to recovery but also ready to push myself if I find I get stuck. If you have any great tips for this leave them in the comments below, because I might need some of those later down the road.

I don't usually do new years resolutions or anything like that, especially after last year. So this year I am just setting goals to achieve, and if I dont thats okay. I just want to achieve weekly goals of feeling healthy, feeling happy, and doing the things I love. I want to achieve stuff like getting one or two patterns out a month, if I do more, even better. I want to set myself up for success, and not failure. If I set small goals along the way then I will achieve and accomplish so much more (I hope). So, I am not really setting new years resolutions but to just live week to week, month to month, day to day; being healthier, happier, and an overall better me! I hope that that will show in this years blog posts or even in the amount of work or pictures I share, who knows. Lets all wait and see!

Stay safe and Happy sewing!



Brenda Parker Alburl
Brenda Parker Alburl
Jan 22, 2024

What a cute froggie you will be doing! Sounds like a fun year. Congrats on being back as an ambassador. We are going to have a great year!

Pitchers Boutique
Pitchers Boutique
Jan 22, 2024
Replying to

It’s going to be a great year!!

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